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Showing posts with the label application maintenance and support

Importance of Application Maintenance for an App’s Success

Why Mobile Application Maintenance Is Crucial For Your Business Assume you hired the best IT firm to develop an app. After finishing, you'll use your promotional strategies to reach a target audience. Can you stop worrying about the app's functionality? What about management and tech issues? How does not fix bugs, glitches, and performance issues cause frustration and user churn? Today's information technology requires extra care, which puts a lot of pressure on software maintenance and support. Deloitte found that 60% of outsourcers prefer application maintenance and support . Technology changes, so you must update and maintain your apps to meet customer needs and keep up with industry trends. The ultimate goal is to satisfy them and improve their app experience to increase retention. Thus, timely app maintenance and support will keep your business running.  This article covers application maintenance' s three Critical W's. Mobile app support and maintenance? Is ...